Wednesday, April 30, 2008

He Did It!

Katie has come down with a nasty cough and cold, so I was unable to go to the Student Council Meeting with Wyatt. I sent him with a bunch of information I'd printed off the website and his older brother went in my place!

Here is the copy of the email I just received from the 3rd-grade-teacher in charge:

Wyatt came on time, did a great job presenting and taking questions. Student council agreed unanimously to give to South Africa and the Open Arms Home for Children. We are going to match what he has raised so far, $500.

Students were so motivated by this that they wanted to do even more! The students really thought about Wyatt's comments about how we are given the opportunity to go to school each day and learn, and there are some kids here who waste that opportunity. In South Africa there are kids who would love to come to school to learn, but do not have the opportunity and money to get an education. As well as, giving to children orphaned by the AIDS pandemic. He passed around his handouts for student council so they could read about Wyatt's giving tree.

And here's another email I received from his teacher:

How wonderful! I am so glad that Carole and Tyler had Wyatt come to SC. I am sorry I was gone and missed it. This has got to be a huge impact on think that at nine years old he has made a mark in the world. WOW!

I am so proud of him.

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