Sunday, February 3, 2008

Making Decisions

"If you could bottle the enthusiasm of a child . . . the world would be a better place."

Wyatt has been talking and talking about kids in South Africa. We've been trying to give him time to make a decision that he is comfortable with regarding his donation, and I really think the time has come.

He is ready.

Last night we had dinner at my parents' house and my mom asked him about his goals and about The Open Arms Home for Children.

"I want them to have an education."

"This charity is good because it goes right to the kids. You don't give money to a secretary who pays herself before giving the money to the home. They get it right away."

"They get other stuff too, stuff to help them."

"Yes, they are orphans."

These are just a few of his answers, which I think best sum up why this is so important to him.

After they had heard his reasons, without me butting in and offering my own two cents (my, how it was hard not to do this!), they both got their into their pocket books and handed him their donations.

In doing this, affirming that he was not, indeed, a lone soldier giving to this charity - showing him that one child can make a difference and will make a difference.


flutter said...

This is very cool, nice work bud!

painted maypole said...

this is so great!

Girlplustwo said...

Wyatt, i am so freaking proud of you. whoops, can i say that here, don't tell your mom.

Count me in. I'll support this 100% with words and money. SO cool, dude.

Girlplustwo said...

and bud, when you have the info up on how folks can get involved let me know, i'll write a post about it too. you rockstar, you.

Ann(ie) said...

I'm impressed Wyatt!! I hope to raise my son to be as aware as you are. Keep up the good work!!

Family Adventure said...

The whole site looks amazing. Wyatt, I will be following this adventure closely...and supporting you all the way. Good luck!

Heidi :)

Kristin said...


K and J said...

Wyatt -
I am so incredibly proud of you! I have been following your progress on your mom's blog and am excited to see that you now have one too. I want to give a donation as well, would you work with your mom to call me or send an e-mail to let me know how best to do that?

I love you!
Aunt Jenny

Becky at lifeoutoffocus said...

awesome cant wait to get more updates!